Meet the Author

Author Julie Landau
I have been a life-long lover of books. As a child in school, I would hide books in my desk to read when finished with my class work—and sometimes as I did my class work! However, my love of writing did not come about until my twenties.
After graduating high school, I went on to Cedarville University. My freshman year I was undeclared, but a comment from a professor urged my heart into—no…not writing!...but missionary work. My professor was teaching on:
Matthew 28:19
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”
As he taught, he emphasized that telling others about salvation through Jesus Christ and discipleship was not just a good idea or a suggestion, but that it was a command.
I’d never thought of mission work in that way, and the different perspective made a permanent change in me. After that, I declared a major in World Missions and graduated with it in 2003.

The Eleuthera Bible
Training Center
In 2004 I became a missionary with Caribbean Ministries Association. A year later I moved to the island of Eleuthera. I learned that being a missionary was more than just telling others about God, leading Bible studies, or planting churches. It is a mindset that in everything you do, you want to shine the love of God. For me, being a missionary meant being a friend, being someone to trust a confidence with, a chauffeur to friends without vehicles, a servant who washed dishes and did laundry, and a team player. It meant putting a priority on my relationship with God so I could love Him and love others as much as possible.
It was during this time that along with missions, God gave me a love and passion for writing. Being single and living alone, my free time became my writing time. This is when Soul Scars was first started, as well as several short stories and a lot of journaling.

Me, Dad, and Mom
I spent four years as a full time missionary, and then resigned from my position to be available to assist with needs within my family. However, leaving the foreign field has not diminished my passion for mission work or for writing. As I said before, being a missionary is a mindset, not a location. Whether home or away, there are people who need to hear about God and need someone to love on them. I am thankful to be able to be actively involved in my church, as well as being able to take short term trips to the foreign field.
Writing is also something I can do anywhere. I always have stories in my head; some of which come to fruition, and some that don’t. I hope to write for years to come and that the words on the page serve to challenge, encourage, and perhaps inspire my readers.

My Brother, Sister-in-Law,
and Two Nieces
I am thankful for my family’s support, and that God has given me parents and extended family who are believers. I am blessed to be a daughter, sister, aunt, sister-in-law, cousin, and granddaughter.
More than anything else, I am blessed to be a daughter of the King, a receiver of grace, and a co-heir with Christ. Solomon said it very well in Ecclesiastes when he tells the reader that “all is vanity”. Without Christ, life is vain and empty. My deepest prayer for myself, my loved ones, and the world, is that we always recognize our need for Christ and spend our days in a state of growth in our relationship with Him. May we draw closer to the Lord each day.